synchronicity spring

springy + synchronicity + sweetness

Read time: 3.5 minutes

top of the morning to you,

we’re springing backward today by starting with the musing, which inspired the mission, & requires a mindset.

but first, if you enjoy reading weekly, pretty please take a moment to use the link below to share mmm with your friends. you’ll get my eternal gratitude, free cards, & maybe even custom design cards (the perfect segue into my musing).


it’s officially been one month since opening the merry makery shopify store (!!!) in this time, i’ve proudly served friends & family. but last week was a big week because i got my biggest order AND it was from a total stranger.

this wasn’t just a large order of “i appreciate you (x 11)” cards.

he requested custom cards for what might be the cutest cause.

he recently had a serious back surgery that requires bed rest. this means that his wife has to carry the extra weight of caretaking him, their one year old, and their home.

to show his appreciation, he asked me to design 8 cards with different sayings in her favorite color so that he could give one to her every week for the next 8 weeks 🥹 such a sweet idea worthy of so many husband points & exemplifying the present of presence in many ways.

of course i said yes & loved every minute of the project.

no denying this story is sweet and a nice way to promote the cards i designed that i am also selling to the public, but the reason i share this story is because it perfectly captures the theme of today’s newsletter.

the magical, unexpected, synchronous moments that bring joy to the wild ride of entrepreneurship & life!

slow, steady, & synchronous wins the race


the older i get the more i believe, see, & seize synchronicity.

best definition i’ve found of synchronicity is the fortuitous intermeshing of events. sometimes called serendipity, coincidence, by chance encounters, or happy accidents.

think running into a friend on the street that you’ve been meaning to talk to, coming across a book you’ve been meaning to read on a free little library shelf, overhearing a conversation at a coffee shop that inspires you to try a new restaurant, or finding the perfect new piece of jewelry at a street market.

previously i explained how luck requires you to believe, prepare, & act. the same is true for synchronicity.

yet far too often we think of synchronicity as events that just happen. this is an undeniably important part, but not the entire story.

synchronicity must be acted upon. it must be seized through preparation, recognition, & action.

my first custom card order would never have happened without a series of other events. some planned & some fortuitous. i had to learn how to design, print, & sell cards. he only discovered me from my daily posting on linkedin. then i had to work to understand his needs so that I could deliver in a way that exceeded his expectations.

this story never would have happened if i didn’t spring into action.

“you have a genius waiting to erupt, you just need to find the right people to unlock that” - Daniel Kwan


to truly seize synchronicity, you must be springy. flexibly & responsively releasing energy.

a sister approach to a prior mindset of being sparky.

like a coiled spring, tightly woven together into a small cylindrical stack, but capable of expanding & creating a much larger impact.

or like the spring season, where seeds that rebuilt during the winter wait for the right conditions to blossom into a a beautiful flower, growing significantly in size & shape.

life is constantly presenting these potentially synchronous moments & we must be in the mindset of springing into action to properly seize the occasion.

let the fresh spring air, be your reminder this week to be springy too!

ready, set, spring

shop & see the super sweet cards:

time to get springy,


mmm 💌 the more the merrier

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P.P.S. i’m happy to custom design for you too, reply to this email with your request & i’ll gladly make it happen :)