writing is righting

test driving a new format today

hello my dear classmates,

we’re mixing things up this monday am with a new format style for this newsletter: a presentation. 

i spent most of my corporate career making presentations for world class brands, specifically usaa, apple, classpass, & warby parker. i’ve recently started helping others with presentations & giving presentations on topics that are a lot more thrilling than my tried & true monthly metric reviews.

last month i created my most aesthetic presentation to date.

& i’m sharing it with you today!

this was one of those projects where i got completely lost in the flow of the work & channeled so much creative energy. it’s on a topic i love writing about & have covered in this newsletter before, but approached from a totally different angle & in a different tool — canva. this was my first time fully designing a deck in canva, which massively contributed both to my creativity & aesthetics.

it’s a presentation on journaling in the format of a journal.

so today you’ll find the bulk of newsletter is in the presentation linked below followed by a few noteworthy shoutouts. can’t what to hear what you think in the poll at the end!

saved by the journal

it’s all about the journal, not the destination

the goal of my presentation was to educate on & inspire more journaling.

for most journaling is a recreational & rare activity, but the benefits are most felt when it becomes a regular habit. so i wanted to share a fresh perspective on journaling to help you remember your journaling why.

it’s crafted around the idea that journaling is your compass on the hike called life. the act of writing rights things while helping you connect with where you came from, where you are, & where you’re going.

in the presentation below, you’ll discover:

  • how journaling helps you learn from the past, live in the present, & believe in the future (+ 7 specific benefits for each)

  • 6 ways to overcome common challenges

  • 15 different journaling techniques

  • 4 quick journal prompts

  • scenic nature hike videos

  • lots of journal doodles

happy clicking & hiking to you!

merry partner: shawn allard

today i’m highlighting my friend, shawn allard, who shares a weekly roundup of resources for business, health, & life.

he also shares updates on meetups & events he hosts. they’re mostly in phoenix, but sometimes elsewhere. i attended one in austin in march & made wonderful connections over a workout & mexican food.

my favorite part of his newsletter is the behind-the-scenes look at how he buys & builds businesses. i’ve loved learning over the past couple weeks about his ice cream shop in phoenix — novel ice cream. they invented the drool-worthy dough melt (think ice cream sandwich but with donuts) & include cinnamon toast crunch as a topping. such a sweet business 😉 

he’s an inspiring human & i know you’ll enjoy learning from him each week!

let’s make more merry together

i’d love to get to know you & help you more so wanted to share a 5 ways we could potentially work together:

  1. get spotlighted as a merry partner

  2. get a custom presentation template

  3. get help redoing a presentation or training

  4. get design support for your beehiiv newsletter

  5. get to know each other more over a virtual bevvy

if any of these interest you, please reply & we’ll be making merry in no time.

be merry,

p.s. thanks to the majority of you for voting that email length is just right 👌. very curious to get a pulse on today’s new format.

what did you think of this newsletter formatted as a presentation?

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