crushing on consistency

so hot & so hard

goooood morn to you,

iā€™ve got a beef with our collective belief that consistency is ā€œboring.ā€

letā€™s set the record straight ā€” consistency is so sexy.

consistency underpins all the habits weā€™ve recently explored together: accountability, clarity, authenticity, productivity, & focus.

but consistency isn't just about what you do.

it's about who you are.

it's about showing up for yourself & others, even when the going gets tough. it's about being reliable, not just in the big moments, but in the everyday ones too. itā€™s about grinding through, when you arenā€™t seeing results.

so today weā€™re learning how to embrace consistency in all its glory.

something iā€™ve worked hard to improve this past year

& something iā€™ve grown to love.

todayā€™s merry menu:
šŸ„¦ consistency is consistently critical
šŸ¢ the consistency conundrum
šŸ„‘ rebranding consistency

consistency is consistently critical

i know the thrill seekers & adventure lovers are likely rolling their eyes already.

but consistency is a core human need that must be satisfied before you can climb up your self-actualization pyramid.

consistency is essential for 4 key reasons.

  1. safety: consistency satisfies our deep-seated human need for stability & predictability. a core foundation of maslowā€™s hierarchy.

  2. trust: regularity in our actions builds trust, not just with others, but also within ourselves, building & reinforcing on # 3.

  3. confidence: demonstrating to ourselves that we can follow through on commitments, big or small, bolsters our belief in our capabilities.

  4. growth: tiny daily habits & incremental improvements accumulate, leading to significant transformations over time.

consistency is consistently critical for all our authentic needs.

the consistency conundrum

despite us knowing this truth, we drop the consistency ball all the time.

motivation dwindles, memories fade, overwhelm sets in, life gets hectic, laziness creeps in, boredom takes hold, distractions abound, and disillusionment looms large. you name it.

all these things shout loud & clear:

consistency is hard.

but hey, as the saying goes, nothing worth having comes easy. we know then that consistency is worth having.

doing the damn thing.
every. single. day.
is where the magic happens.

the only ā€œcheat codeā€ that works is consistency.

rebranding consistency

far too many think consistency is a total snoozefest, requiring you to be stuck in a rut or live only in bland soulless routines.

consistency is so much more.

consistency is being reliable, dependable, & relentless in the pursuit of your goals. & there's nothing sexier to see or be than someone who knows what they want & goes after it with unwavering determination.

itā€™s so hot.

but itā€™s up to you to make it the right heat for you.

hereā€™s how i spice up the feeling of sameness:

  1. doing less

  2. finding my flow

  3. creating rituals i love

  4. cultivating gratitude

  5. celebrating small wins

  6. striving for sexy goals

  7. practicing the law of 100

  8. following my authenticity

  9. building in flexible free time

  10. mixing business with pleasure

the spices change season to season, but the main dish of consistency stays the same. itā€™s how iā€™ve survived my first year in business & i know itā€™s how iā€™ll build my dream life.

i hope youā€™ll join me in committing to being our most consistent sexy selves.

because magic awaits us
not only on the other side,
but also along the journey.

todayā€™s newsletter partner: bay area times

iā€™m a big believer that a picture is worth a thousand words (at least!).

which is why iā€™m stoked to share the bay area times daily newsletter with you.

show your support for merry makery, by clicking below to learn more about this amazingly insightful publication that inspired me to get more visual in my newsletter!

their charts are a consistent chefā€™s kiss.

i loved their break down in the friday issue of reddit filing for a $5B+ IPO.

Looking for visuals and charts, rather than words, to understand the daily news?

Bay Area Times is a visual-based newsletter on business and tech, with 250,000+ subscribers.

stay consistent,

p.s. iā€™d love to understand you better. will you pretty please answer this poll?

in the past 30 days, how often did you feel consistent?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

p.p.s. how do you stay consistent? please let me know by replying back. i so enjoy learning from yā€™all too.