be the match & the fuse. boom.

sparky + fire + matchbooks

Read time: 1.5 minutes

good morning my merrymaking magician,

just because it’s cold outside, doesn’t mean we have to BE cold.

let’s warm up by trading our mittens for matches this monday with our mmm = mindset + mission + musing.


this week let’s be sparky.

by this i mean lively & energetic.

to be sparky is to be a responder & an enhancer. to people. to settings. to energies. to life.

we are surrounded by matches as proven by our prior mindsets:

but a match by itself is by another name wood.

a match needs a spark.


so we might as well be fire too. 

find the match, be the fuse.

since we unanimously agreed you’re magic, i know you’re fire too. so let’s spread the fire by living in accordance to the #1 rule of improv.

accept offers.

referred to more simply as the saying “yes and

this requires a sparky spirit that embraces an unfolding action with positive & creative attitude that enhances the situation.

choose to embrace to a kind smile from a stranger, a silly remark from a child, a play request from a pet, small talk from a cashier, or a hug from a loved one.

sparks & matches are abundant.

but they need you to be fire.


i created merry makery to give you more “matchbooks.” the ones you grab multiple of when you leave a fancy restaurant & hold onto for years. cherishing not only the design, but also the memories from that night.

our matchbooks are clearly not physical, though that could be cool.

right now, our matchbooks are figurative sparks & matches, awaiting your old fashioned, handwritten feeling fire.

light the world on fire with these extra bright designs.

merry makery stationery “matchbooks”

burn, baby, burn,


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