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- 21 truths i wish i knew at 21
21 truths i wish i knew at 21
1989 lyrics as a listicle (MacK's version)
Read time: 4 minutes
hello to the secret swifty in you,
we’re all living in the eras era, whether you’ll admit it or not.
our fearless queen, taylor swift, dropped her 1989 album re-record on friday.
so in honor of her & the fact that my only “viral” tiktok is about one of her songs, this newsletter is a special swiftie edition.
i’m transforming her lyrics into a listicle.
21 lyrics from 21 songs into 21 truths to my 21 year old self.
while 21 feels like yesterday & a blood test recently told me my biological age is 21, i’m definitely not 21. i’ve learned a lot & i wish i knew these things sooner.

everybody has a story
every single person you meet knows something you don’t know.
you can learn something from everyone.
think of each lesson as a gift.
your job is to to give each person enough of your attention to receive it.

the pages of life are filled with unexpected characters & plot twists.
most will be short stories, but a rare few will be epic sagas.
cherish & embrace them all.
because nothing actually lasts forever (see below).

the best of all the styles never goes out of style: kindness.
people likely won’t remember what you said nor what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel.
a genuine smile, a helping hand, & a kind heart are always in fashion.

if you don’t own your fears (& monsters), they own you.
many times the monsters aren’t actually monsters at all.
freedom waits for you on the other side of your fears.
break free.

introspection can be so ironic.
sometimes the more you mull over things, the less certain you become.
your war within will make things even messier.
life’s worst battles is between what your brain knows & what your heart feels.
sometimes it’s better to think less.

living authentically means dismissing the players & ignoring the haters.
that can mean having a word with the person in the mirror, too.
don’t listen to them. listen to you.
be the real thing in this fake world.

nothing will happen, then everything will happen.
everything will happen, then nothing will happen.
life’s tempo is temperamental, going from 0 to 100 to -100 in a blink.
expect everything & nothing.

healthy relationships don’t make bullet holes nor will they make you betray yourself.
build a community, love, & life you don’t need to heal from.
the people you surround yourself with reflect your own emotional development.
changing your external world starts with changing your internal world.

in our fleeting world, embrace the now.
every choice, every chance, & every laugh is a part of your unique journey.
live fully by merrymaking every moment.
the present is a gift that requires your presence to be received.

this advice is helpful if you lost a girl, but can be helpful if you’ve lost yourself too.
we all lose our minds. anyone who won’t admit that has really lost their mind.
it's easy to get swept up in a storm of emotions. but like any storm, it'll pass.
don't act in the rain; wait for the rainbow.

look in the mirror to really see which love is good & which love is bad.
people treat you how you treat yourself.
so you must learn to love yourself to love others.
self-love is the foundation for meaningful connections.

gossip creates a false sense of closeness.
real bonds are on shared values not shared critiques.
when you talk about others, you're often talking about yourself.
your words are mirrored windows of your own judgments.

i love this definition of discipline:
choosing between what you want now & what you want most.
but remember that overcoming something doesn’t mean forgetting.
it’s okay to miss the past.
but stay anchored in your present to progress.

game of life demands humor, but it should never be at the expense of someone else or their mental health.
keep fun grounded in empathy.
you may be able to control your thoughts & feelings, but you can’t control how others think & feel.
ask yourself if it’s kind & if it’s necessary before sharing.
lift spirits. don’t step on them.

the most powerful communication is silent: behavior.
actions speak so much louder than words, but behaviors scream the loudest.
behavior reveals real intentions.

the richest people are not those who have or own the most,
but those who need & worry the least.
freedom is the real wealth.
& the best people live this truth.

at the end of the day, your journey is yours alone.
no one can pay the price for your dreams, your growth, or your happiness but you.
you can have mentors, supporters, & cheerleaders,
but don’t expect anyone else to foot the bill for your dreams.

if life were fair, you’d miss out on so many lessons.
there’s a strange joy & beauty in embracing that life’s not fair.
it's in the inconvenient, the unexpected, that you often find the most profound moments of joy & growth.
detours can be the most scenic (& rewarding) routes.

pleasing everyone leads to pleasing no one & is a sure path to losing yourself.
stop trying to be liked by everybody. you don’t even like everybody!
prioritize your peace. deprioritize people pleasing.

no one is or can ever be exactly like you.
so many things make you uniquely you & you must embrace your essence.
be who you really are to do what you need to do to get what you want.
authenticity is key to unlocking your personal treasure.
and the world is begging for it, too!

life won't always tell you when it's time to turn the page.
sometimes, you need to be the one saying “the end.”
and then other times, you don't realize it's the end until you're looking back.
you must embrace every experience as you never know which is your last.

taylor math
if you’re still doubting the taylor takeover, look no further than these financial facts. her tour numbers are top tier & even boosted the economy.
$2.2B in concert ticket sales & $130M in movie ticket sales.

my picks

a bonus lyric on letters
be like taylor this holiday season & confess your truths with handwritten holiday letters.
this gleaming, twinkling gold (rush) starry thank you is very taylor.
and for the serious swifities, you will love this album’s merch: wildest dreams pajamas, i think i am finally clean umbrella, tiffany’s style seagull necklace, welcome to new york sunglasses, a magic madness heaven sin baby tee, & 1989 sweats.

with love & lyrics,

p.s. if you enjoyed this newsletter, i would SO appreciate if you would share with a friend or on social. the more the merrier here =)