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- only this personality test is backed by scientists & psychologists
only this personality test is backed by scientists & psychologists
the buzzfeed quiz with a bachelor's degree

Read time: 3 minutes
howdy y’all,
if you couldn’t already tell, i love personality tests.
the majority are pseudo science, except for the one we’re discussing today.
jordan peterson, a famous clinical psychologist & author of 12 rules for life, an international bestseller subtitled an antidote to chaos, supports it.
it’s called the big five personality test.
the results from this test help you pin down your personality traits relative to others.
it’s a personal user manual for you.
but better
because it’s a user manual for other’s too!
by the end of this post, you’ll understand why you bond instantly with some people & never with others.
today’s merry menu:
🖐🏻 big five background
🌊 ocean deep dive
📝 test time
🔔 bell curve > boxes
🧭 geopsychology

big five background
introducing the big five.
the gold standard for personality testing.
the top pick by psychologists & scientists.
the most proven & accurate of the tests.
the big five theory, also known as the five factor model (ffm), gives 5 scores across 5 traits. specifically:
🎨 openness
⏰ conscientiousness
🎉 extraversion
😇 agreeableness
🎢 neuroticism
you may know this by the acronyms for the trait [the way i memorized it in my psyc 101 course]:

time to get in the water!

ocean deep dive
grab your scuba gear, we’re diving deeper into each trait:
🎨 openness
how open to new ideas & experiences
higher # = more focused on new
more intellectually curious & creative
⏰ conscientiousness
how goal-directed, persistent & organized
higher # = more focused on results
more productive, responsible, & self-disciplined
🎉 extraversion
how energized by attention & engagement
higher # = more focused on outside world
more social, energetic, & assertive
😇 agreeableness
how much others needs are put first
higher # = more focused on others
more compassionate, respecting, & trusting
🎢 neuroticism
how sensitive to stress & negative emotions
higher # = more focused on negative
more anxiety, depression, & emotional volatility

graded on a gradient

test time
the test is structured in series of direct statements.
to which you respond on a spectrum from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
it’s about 30-60 questions.
so it only takes a few minutes.
a perfect thing for you to do right now as your sip your monday coffee.
here are the two quizzes i recommend:
top pick: fivethirtyeight quiz
yes that same fivethiryeight, an opinion polling analysis website & blog created by nate silver.

best known for the accurate forecast of the us election in 2012
now owned by ESPN & covering many more topics, including the big five traits.
which they believe is the only personality quiz that’s not junk science.
i’m a big fan of their quiz for a few reasons:
it’s short
results are super understandable
each trait is broken into 3 additional dimensions (e.g., extraversion breaks into assertiveness, sociability, & energy level)
includes a comparison to the average american
AND includes a comparison to our merry makery reader group
runner-up: truity quiz
with the prior newsletters on 5 love languages & DISC behavior styles, i recommended truity quizzes. so sharing here too.
truity also used the big five personality model to make two more quizzes to reveal:
your toxic trait (7 archetypes)
your leadership/boss style (8 types)

they’re giving buzzfeed got a bachelors degree vibes

bell curve > boxes
the beautiful & overarching truth to the big five personality framework is that we all have varying amounts of each of these traits.
most personality tests put you into one bucket out of 4, 5, 16, etc.
but we so rarely fit perfectly into one box.
fivethirtyeight’s article on this test expertly explained:
“like most things with humans, personality traits fall on a bell curve & most of us will be near the middle of that distribution. when you try to categorize people by type, you end up with a lot of people who are placed in boxes that seem far apart, but whose distribution of personality is actually pretty close to each other.”
and this is why the big five is the gold standard.
you are scored in a range for each trait, compared to other respondents.

you’re an OCEAN

according to an article in big think, science shows that where you live impacts your personality.
this emerging field is known as geopsychology.
bc apparently pscyhogeography was already taken (& means a common pastime of most urban dwellers, specifically means walking while moody 🤷♀️ )
so here’s how the US looks across the big five traits as of 2021:
openness is highest in the west
conscientiousness highest in the south
extraversion highest in the central northern & south
agreeableness highest in the south
emotional stability is highest in the west & south (note they flipped neuroticism here so these regions are the least neurotic)
and here’s how the UK looks across the big five traits as of 2015 [afraid to make specific comment revealing my lack of knowledge of UK geograophy]

mack’s picks
welcome to the newest section where i’ll share my picks of the week, expect all things merry, mail, metrics, & mindsets.
if you know me, you know i don’t really like to the read the news.
i find it overwhelming & depressing.
which is why i was so stoked to discover the know, a free daily(UK) and/or weekly (US & UK) newsletter that covers the biggest news stories, sans jargon, written with positivity by a team of badass women in the UK.
every friday after i read it, i feel informed & inspired.
i especially love how they always start with numbers 🤓
i know you’ll love it too. subscribe in one-click here!

a puppy approved news source
other pick is all the new cards in my stationery store, featuring new designs & color ways, paired with sentiments written by a dearly cherished friend.
tysm laura for the inspo!

all together now
so now that you know about the know ;)
and the big five, you’re on the path of self-discovery, where you get to hone your strengths & work on your weaknesses.
this in turn will help you connect others because you understand the fundamental traits that govern human behavior.
next week we’ll be diving deeper into each of these traits as well as some fascinating correlations across other disciplines.

be merry,

p.s. whenever you need help, i’m always here for you from custom cards to corporate workshops to our merry membership. i want to make you merry!
p.p.s. holiday season is around the corner & i’m working on my holiday designs this week. please reply with any ideas or requests!