ready. set. receive.

receiving + relishing + requesting

Read time: 3 minutes

hey merry makers,

contrast is what makes photography & life captivating.

just how dark strengthens light, giving is strengthened by receiving.

i’ll start my admitting i’m no expert in receiving. this past week in an uber, i was sweating in the backseat to which the driver must have noticed and thoughtfully asked if the temperature was ok? i immediately said “yes i’m good thanks” even though i clearly wasn’t.

he offered to give me the gift of cool air and i rejected it… for no good reason. keep in mind this i was paying for this, so imagine how bad i am at handling things people do "just cause.”

i’m working on it, but i know some combination of my limiting beliefs, personal guilt, prioritizing other needs, & fear of looking weak leads me to deny generous gifts from others.

as i grow older i’m realizing more that receiving isn’t a sign of weakness, but a necessary part of being human.

asking for help requires both vulnerability & courage, which leads to richer, more authentic connections.

so in today’s newsletter i hope you’ll receive my gift of help better than i do.


a mindset of receiving shifts our focus from output to input

to receive is an art in which you must allow yourself to be supported & nurtured, creating space for making & feeling the magic of being a human.

while you may not guess this from my opening story, i personally believe that every person you meet carries the possibility a profound present for you and you are responsible for giving each person enough of your energy so you can receive it.

the benefits of a receiving mindset are never-ending, here are just a few:

in short, receiving adds meaning & fulfillment to life.

the price is receiving


this week we will relish in receiving, soaking in the gifts all around us like our lungs breathe air & our skin soaks up sun.

i’ve made the most personal progress on this challenging mission by setting an intention each day — “i am open & receptive to all the good this life offers.”

with this in mind, i then find it easier to practice receiving in small ways:

  • accepting a compliment (& not boomeranging a compliment back)

  • accepting offers for help

  • accepting gifts from others

  • accepting the presence of another

soaking in these small moments pushes my perspective to an empowered state of abundance & gratitude.

in our society that values productivity & achievement, working to receive may seem counterintuitive. however by allowing ourselves to receive, we create deeper connections with others, become more resilient, & open ourselves up to new experiences.

side of receiving relish


as a solopreneur, i’m forced to practice receiving more than ever. nature of my business is in giving, but to sustain the business i must receive.

so i’m going to be vulnerageous (vulnerable + courageous) with you during this musing with a special request.

i’m in need of customers & champions to make the merry makery.

will you please sign up for my new merry membership?

as a merry member, you’ll get:

  • 3 free cards of your choosing per quarter

  • free shipping on all purchases

  • free swag, special members-only stuff

  • first access to products & premium content

  • my forever appreciation

  • & more to come!

all of this for only $7.11 per month or $71.11 per year (get two months free!)

if you’re not ready to commit, checkout these new compliment confetti cards that will make anyone feel extra special.

cue compliment confetti

one more thing - please remember you’re more amazing than you realize,


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